Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm Clueless...Purpose of the Clutch and Gears?

in an automatic transmission, the gear changing is done,, ( you guessed it ! ) automatically. In a Manual you have to change the gear yourself. On the gearshift lever or as we call it in the UK the gear stick, there is a small diagram on the top of the stick. You select first or 1 by pushing the clutch pedal to the floor.and moving the stick left and forward.To make the car move you slowly lift your pressure on the clutch pedal until you feel the car trying to move, as this happens you increase the engine speed by pushing the accelerator pedal down, not too much ! at the same time you release the handbrake and come off the clutch pedal, you are now moving in 1st gear.As the speed increases to say, 10mph, press the clutch down and select 2nd, (left and back )as the speed continues to rise, go to third( forward and right )using the clutch as always.You use this sequence when changing gear everytime, never allow the car to coast in neutral or with the clutch depressed. Try practicing with the car stationary, engine off, go to 1st then second, etc etc. Practice makes perfect and extreme good luck to you

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